The Dark Lord
Location: Marion, Indiana
For the last decades every year a string of ritual sacrifices are being made to something until know no one knows what has happened and the cases seem to disappear just like bigger officials are behind it.
The sacrifices got a symbol carved into their chest, but why it is happening no one knows.
18 September 2013 – 20 September 2013
Herald of Darkness
Behind the Scenes
I have been playing with the idea of a new deity for Supernatural and the one I really liked a lot is Chernobog. To introduce the deity into the game I decided that there was a Cult involved with Chernobog. The players would go to Marion and find out more and more about the cult. And in the end they would find out how the cult was working and that it where high placed people (and their flunkies) that where part of criminal organisations, part of city council, the mayor, police etc etc
But the Herald of Darkness, who has a normal name btw, would have gotten away thus introducing Chernobog.
The Concept:
A cult to introduce Chernobog without actually naming him.
In Game Stats/info:
Herald of Darkness
Motivation: Power?
I wont tell much about him because it is a ongoing story. But he is a smart, intelligent opponent
What went Different:
My idea was to tell them about the dark lord and not telling them about Chernobog but I had a change of heart and decided that they could know the name for logical and role play reasons.
The idea was that they would find out who the leader of the cult was and thus finding out his name but because they where not getting forward with the investigation I decided to use the leader differently and thus creating The Herald of Darkness.
They were focused on the symbol and name so much that it seemed they forgot about the killings and possibly the cult. So instead after all the questions they have been asking woke the herald his interest in them and he decided to teach them a lesson.
actually from here on everything was nothing like I planned.
Author: Federico
I am the creator of this blog and a dreamer that converts it’s dreams into games.